Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Property at 210 GRAND AVENUE. (File No. J1704A, Assessment No. 178503)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: January 3, 2017
Date of CPH: February 15, 2017
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $1,190
Service Charge: $160
Total Assessment: $1,350
Gold Card Returned by: Imran Kahn
Type of Order/Fee: Summary Abatement
Nuisance: Failure to maintain exterior of property
Date of Orders: July 13, 2016
Compliance Date: August 1, 2016
Re-Check Date: August 8, 2016
Date Work Done: September 9, 2016
Work Order #: 12-109775
Returned Mail?: NO
History of Orders on Property: The building on the property was razed January 2016; however, the site was not totally cleared. On 5/3/16, the building official, Steve Ubl, put owner on notice that he was required to have the site cleaned up, all debris removed, soils leveled and ground cover established within ten (10) days. On 5/11/16, the inspector emailed owner that he must complete razing or the City will hire a contractor to finish the job. On 5/27/16, inspector noted that some work had been done; concrete had been removed graded etc. On 6/24/16, the inspector contacted Mr. Ubl to see if site was completed to his satisfaction; it was not. On 7/12/16, inspector noted that despite emails and phone conversations with PO, nothing had changed. Inspector issued SA to remove private sidewalk adjacent to public sidewalk and to establish proper ground cover. On 8/8/16, inspector noted no change to property. He spoke with PO to let him know the City would be engaging a contractor to remove panels and topsoil/seed as indicated in the SA.
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Emergency Abatement services during August to September 2016. (File No. J1704A, Assessment No. 178503) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these as...
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