Approving and ratifying the expenditures and donations for the 2011 City Employee Cookout held at the Como Park East Picnic Pavilions on August 15, 2011.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Employee Cookout Committee was given authority on June 22, 2011, (RES #11-1042) to make any expenditures not to exceed $6,500.00 and accept any donations from local businesses, unions or city departments to help defray the costs of the 2011 City Employee Cookout; and
WHEREAS, after the cookout, a list of expenditures was compiled by name of vendor and amount of expenditure and a list of donations by the name of the donor and the estimated value of each donation; and
WHEREAS, per Chapter 41 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Employee Cookout Committee was required to provide City Council with a itemized lists of said expenditures and donations for approval and ratification, now therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached list of donations and expenditures for the 2011 City Employee Cookout in compliance with all of the requirements of Chapter 41 of the Administrative Code.