Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for grant funds from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for Right Track, the City’s Youth Employment Program in an amount of up to $850,000 a year for two years.
WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department is prepared to accept grant funds from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for Right Track, the City’s Youth Employment Program; and,
WHEREAS, the grant funds, if awarded, will provide wages for youth working in summer jobs and internships with Right Track; and
WHEREAS, the grant funds, if awarded, will provide enhanced training opportunities for youth working in summer jobs and internships with Right Track; and
WHEREAS, the grant funds, if awarded, will provide additional support for youth working in Right Track through the hiring of job coaches; and,
WHEREAS, the mission of Right Track is to connect Saint Paul youth and young adults with meaningful work experience, training and career exploration opportunities so they are prepared to thrive and prosper; and,
WHEREAS, one of the strategic initiatives of Right Track is to develop work-readiness curricula that incorporates social and emotional learning, performance feedback, and financial empowerment; and,
WHEREAS, nearly 150 corporations and community partners, including City departments, work in partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department to provide these work experiences for young people through Right Track; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Right Track program has a public purpose; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the Parks and Recreation Department to apply for grant funds from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for Right Track, the City’s Youth Employment Program in an amount of up to $850,000 each program year.