Approving adverse action against the Taxicab Vehicle license for Cab #503 held by Malik Olaad, d/b/a Town Taxi & Transportation.
WHEREAS, adverse action was taken against the Taxicab Vehicle license for Cab #503 held by Malik Olaad d/b/a Town Taxi & Transportation (License ID #20090005000) for the City of Saint Paul by Notice of Intent to Revoke License dated May 20, 2011, alleging licensee failed to submit his vehicle to an annual mechanical inspection and submit a completed Certificate of Compliance Minnesota Workers' Compensation Law form; and
WHEREAS, per 376.12 (h) (4) the licensing office recommended revocation of the taxicab license for Cab #503; and
WHEREAS, the licensee did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Revoke License to request a public hearing before City Council or an administrative hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to Revoke License stated that if the licensee failed to request a public hearing before City Council or an administrative hearing by May 30, 2011, that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose the recommended penalty; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Vehicle license for Cab #503 held by Malik Olaad d/b/a Town Taxi & Transportation is hereby revoked.