Repealing Legislative Code Chap. 67, Art. III, pertaining to the Shepard Davern Commercial and Residential Redevelopment Overlay District as recommended in the Shepard Davern Area Zoning Study adopted on January 28, 2015.
WHEREAS, in December 2012, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated the Shepard Davern Area Zoning Study, which considered mixed use zoning to replace the existing zoning and Shepard Davern overlay districts, which were adopted in 1999; and
WHEREAS, on November 14, 2014, following a lengthy study, the Planning Commission, recommended that the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopt the rezoning recommendations contained in the November 7, 2014 Shepard Davern Area Zoning Study Report, which included a recommendation to eliminate the two Shepard Davern overlay zoning districts presently codified under Leg. Code Chap. 67, Article III and replace them with traditional neighborhood mixed use zoning ("T zoning") classification which supported the Comprehensive Plan's intent to treat the study area as a "Mixed Use Corridor" and the adopted 2007 Highland Plan Summary to consider the area for T zoning as it approximates the mix of uses and design standards already included under the overlay districts and thereby maintained the intent that the area support a range of residential, business, and office uses; and
WHEREAS, on January 28, 2015, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Ordinance 15-1 which contained the rezoning recommended for the area in the November 7, 2014 Shepard Davern Area Zoning Study Report; and
WHEREAS, following the adoption of Ordinance 15-1, zoning staff realized that the ordinance, as adopted, did not include a section repealing the overlay zoning districts codified under Leg. Code Chap. 67, Article III as those sections would no longer be necessary in light of the new zoning regulations adopted in the ordinance; and
WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this ordinance to repeal the overlay zoning districts codified under Leg...
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