Authorizing the Department of Safety and Inspections, through its Animal Control Division, to accept the donation of goods and services to revitalize the outdoor dog enrichment area from the Boy Scouts of America.
WHEREAS, a member of the Boy Scouts of America reached out to Animal Control with interest in focusing his Eagle Scout Project on helping animals; and
WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America, through the Eagle Scout, wishes to donate four hundred seventy-five dollars ($475.00) worth goods and services, as well as volunteers from the Boy Scouts of America, to revitalize Animal Control’s outdoor dog enrichment, including demolishing a decaying shed, removing and replacing crumbling stone steps, fixing a hole in the fence, removing plants growing on the fence, and spreading gravel so dogs aren’t exercised on a packed dirt substrate; and
WHEREAS, Animal Control wishes to accept this donation from the Boy Scouts of America; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that there is a public purpose in improving the outdoor dog enrichment space for the good of animals that are in Animal Control’s care; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Department of Safety and Inspections, through its Animal Control Division, to accept four hundred seventy-five dollars ($475.00) worth of goods, plus the donation of services, from the Boy Scouts of America and thanks them for their generous donation.