Amending Chapter 77 pertaining to the Metropolitan Council Environment Services (MCES) Service Availability Charge (SAC) fee increases.
Section 77.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 77.07. - Service availability charges.
The Metropolitan Council Environment Services (MCES) Service Availability Charge (SAC) is a charge to local governments for the reserve capacity of the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS). SAC has been levied since 1973 by MCES or its predecessor agencies for the new demand or increased volume of sanitary sewage use to the MDS. SAC policy and rates are set by the Metropolitan Council. Rules and policies are referenced to the current MCES SAC rules and updates.
To comply with MCES' method of charging local governing bodies for reserve capacity charges, the department of safety and inspections shall administer the collection, receipt, and distribution of a service availability charge to be collected from affected real property located within the city limits, which service availability charge shall be collected in addition to the sewer service charges established pursuant to section 77.02. The service availability charges shall apply to all building permits and sewer connection permits issued by the respective city departments. The service availability charges shall be collected in the manner set forth in the MCES SAC rules and updated including the assessment of a one hundred thirty-five seventy-five dollars ($135.00) ($175.00) administrative fee per application for projects involving the addition of 1-10 SAC units, two six hundred seventy dollars ($270.00) ($600.00) administrative fee per application for projects involving the addition of 11-30 SAC units, and four one thousand five hundred dollars ($400.00) ($1,500.00) administrative fee per application for projects involving the addition of thirty-one (31) or more SAC un...
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