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File #: Ord 25-13    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Amending Chapter 93 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Water Service Connections.
Sponsors: Nelsie Yang
Attachments: 1. Proposed Ordinance, 2. Proposed code changes in redline form, 3. BWC Resolution 24-1816
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Amending Chapter 93 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Water Service Connections.




Section 93 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:


Section 93.01 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 93.01. Water Service connection defined; full size to be installed, exceptions.

(a)                     For the purposes of this chapter, "water service connections" are defined as the water pipe which extends from the street main to the first stop ahead of the water meter., or in the case of a yard meter setting, it shall be defined as extending to the inside of the building serviced. 

(b)                     The full size of water service connection approved shall be installed from the main to the first stop ahead of the meter, except that the water utility may approve an exception when the part of the water service connection in the street only or that part in the yard only is to be replaced, or when a new water service connection is to be installed from an existing paving connection. 


Section 93.05 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 93.05. Water service connection in sewer trench.

(a)                     No water service pipe or street service connection installed from an existing street main shall be installed in the same trench or closer than ten (10) feet horizontally to a sewer trench or drain laid, or to be laid, either in the street or in private property, except that the water service connection pipe on private property may be in a common trench with a sewer drain which is made of cast-iron soil pipe with approved type joints; and provided further, that the horizontal distance between the sewer pipe and the water service connection is at least ten (10) feet at the property line; and provided, that the water service connection pipe approaches the sewer trench at an angle ...

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