Accepting a donation from the University of Minnesota to offset travel expenses for Anne Hunt to attend an international conference in New Delhi, India.
WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota is organizing, with ICLEI-South Asia, along with Yale University and Georgia Institute of Technology, a conference on "Developing Smart, Healthy and Sustainable Cities - Learning in India, China and United States (US)”; and
WHEREAS, China, India and the US are among the largest nations in the world and are striving to be economically competitive, innovative and sustainable while addressing issues of air pollution, energy security and a clean energy future; and
WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota, with funds provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation and USAID, is sending policy makers, industry professionals, and academics from the Twin Cities area to a policy workshop on sustainable development in New Delhi, India to be held from January 7-21, 2016; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is recognized leader in urban sustainability and the University of Minnesota has invited Anne Hunt, Environmental Policy Director, to attend the conference to share information and opportunities for collaboration; and
WHEREAS, there is clear value to the City of Saint Paul in having the Environmental Policy Director attend such a conference given the importance of sustainability and climate change; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby accepts the donation of up to $2,750 to offset travel costs for Anne Hunt to attend the climate change conference and thanks the University of Minnesota for its generous gift.