• Library & Park Efficiency Study Update - Chair Rebecca Noecker and Nhia Vang
• Topic Selections Discussion - All
1. Capital Investment Budget Process
- What is the process for new projects to get on the CIB docket?
- How are projects prioritized amongst different city departments and amongst community applications? How do we ensure fairness in project selection?
- Do we track CIB investment across the city? If so, do we know if the $ is equally spread across wards?
- How are the annual allocations determined? Do we evaluate those to make sure they are the right amounts?
2. Salary study of staff
- Could job be scoped to align with funding available?
- The job could be focused on a specific department rather than citywide.
- Is the city paying in line with other jurisdictions of similar size?
- What is the salary review of frontline staff vs. management staff?
3. Hiring and retention practice
- Hiring process timeline
-- Turnover of employees