Supporting the second daily train to Chicago.
WHEREAS, the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago Second Train Passenger Rail Study completed the alternatives analysis and modelling for introducing a second daily train between Saint Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago at speeds up to 79 miles per hour in December 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago Second Train Passenger Rail Study identified approximately $25million in track and signal improvements in Minnesota, and
WHEREAS, passenger trains would utilize the existing Amtrak Empire Builder corridor from Saint Paul, MN to Chicago, IL with Minnesota station stops at Union Depot in Saint Paul, Red Wing and Winona; and
WHEREAS, a second round-trip passenger train from the Twin Cities to Chicago will benefit Minnesota's economy by supporting and creating jobs, increasing tourism and providing a more economical travel choice; and
WHEREAS, freight railroads will benefit from the capital improvements needed for the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago Second Train and crossing improvements will make auto and truck travel safer; and
WHEREAS, Governor Walz's has included the TCMC Second Train in his capital funding request to the legislature to complete the environmental analysis, service development plan and final engineering; and
WHEREAS, two bills have been introduced in the legislature specifically to fund the TCMC Second Train and two more bills to fund passenger rail activities statewide, including the TCMC Second Train.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that it hereby supports funding for the Twin Cities-Milwaukee--Chicago Second Train.