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File #: Ord 25-11    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Amending Chapter 91 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Water Code miscellaneous provisions.
Sponsors: Nelsie Yang
Attachments: 1. Proposed Ordinance, 2. Proposed code changes in redline form, 3. BWC Resolution 24-1814
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Amending Chapter 91 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Water Code miscellaneous provisions.




Section 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:


Section 91.05 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows:

Sec. 91.05. Outside wateringSprinkling restrictions.

The Board’s General Manager is authorized to declare or rescind water use restrictions to meet water use/demand requirements dependent upon the applicable drought phases defined by the State of Minnesota.

Drought Warning, Restrictive Phases, and Emergency Phases may require any combination of the following restrictions to comply with State requirements:

(a)                     Outside watering may be prohibited between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.

(b)                     Outside watering may be limited to two hours per day.

(c)                     Outside watering may be limited to specific days such as alternate days, 2 days per week, or 1 day per week.

(d)                     Outside watering for irrigation may be prohibited.

(e) Outside watering for dust control may be prohibited.

(f)                     Any other restriction deemed necessary for the purpose of protecting the public welfare.

The customer is responsible for complying with established restrictions.  Those who violate restrictions will be subject to the following penalties:

(a)                     For a first violation, the customer will be advised in writing and informed that a monetary charge will be added to the water bill for subsequent violations.

(b)                     For a second violation, the customer will be advised in writing and an Outside Water Use Second Violation charge in the amount listed in the fee schedule established pursuant to Sec. 85.08 will be added to the water bill.

(c)                     For a third violation, the customer will be advised in writing and an Ou...

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