Accepting the gift of registration costs from the US Green Building Council for Barbara Morin, Design Group Supervisor, to attend the Impact 2020 Conference in Saint Paul, Minnesota on May 6, 2020.
WHEREAS, Barbara Morin, Design Group Supervisor, within the Office of Financial Services/Real Estate Division, has been invited by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) to attend the annual IMPACT 2020 Conference convening in Saint Paul, Minnesota on May 6, 2020; and
WHEREAS, USGBC is a regional host to communities that include; Central Plains, Iowa, Missouri Gateway, Nebraska Flatwater, North Dakota & Wisconsin, along with Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, USGBC, who is leading the event for a sustainable development in the Midwest, will be convening members who will be attending the annual conference to share ideas, get the latest LEED updates and learn best practices related to the goals of sustainability; and
WHEREAS, this will be an opportunity for the City of Saint Paul to hear from those within these communities on current projects, past experiences, and learn new information from educators and others about what they are doing to commit to a sustainable future; and
WHEREAS, the USGBC has offered to cover registration expenses related to attending the conference on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, when most of their education sessions will be held; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the offer for the USGBC to waive the registration fee and extend an invitation for Barbara Morin to attend the IMPACT 2020 Conference as their gift and thanks them for their generosity.
Financial Analysis