Supporting the addition of a second daily Amtrak train between St. Paul and Chicago.
WHEREAS, modern, fast, and comfortable intercity passenger trains are largely missing in the state of Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, new train service on existing 79-mph routes costs a small fraction of the cost of building new roads and freeway lanes, since upgrading existing railroad right of way costs approximately $1 million per mile and new or highway expansion costs up to $10 million per mile; and
WHEREAS, many other states -- Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, etc.- have introduced new train services which have proven to be cost-effective and popular with the traveling public; and
WHEREAS, more convenient train service will offer an economical and comfortable way for hundreds of thousands of people each year to get back and forth to Milwaukee and Chicago as alternative to flying or driving on congested freeways; and
WHEREAS, additional train service has proven to create economic growth, tourism, and community vibrancy all along its routes, as studies on the federal and state level have proven that every dollar invested in intercity passenger rail yields up to four dollars in economic benefit to those communities served; and
WHEREAS, MnDOT is currently studying the feasibility of adding a new daylight 79-mph passenger train between the Twin Cities, Milwaukee, and Chicago - on a reliable schedule-- thus opening up new and important travel options for citizens; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council supports the implementation of this new train service from Twin Cities to Chicago at the earliest opportunity, and requests that our legislators find a suitable, stable form of funding to support it.