Adopting the update to the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. (Public hearing closed and laid over from April 17, 2024)
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan was first adopted in 2015 and subsequently amended with minor updates in 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Bicycle Plan has been updated in order to remain consistent with best practices, local planning efforts, and the desires of the community; and
WHEREAS, the Bicycle Plan has been updated in several ways including to provide for more separated bikeways, to reflect bikeways added since 2015, to establish new priority bikeways, and to provide additional policy guidance on operation and maintenance; and
WHEREAS, the goal of the Bicycle Plan is to increase the number of people biking in Saint Paul, consistent with the policies of the 2040 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the 2040 Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan contains a number of policies for improving the bicycle network and increasing bicycling in Saint Paul that are furthered by the Bicycle Plan, such as:
• Policy T-3. Design rights-of-way per the following modal hierarchy: 1. Pedestrians, with a focus on safety; 2. Bicyclists, with a focus on safety; 3. Transit; 4. Other vehicles;
• Policy T-10. Design… trails… for personal safety (real and perceived), including by providing lighting and boulevards;
• Policy T-21. Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by 40% by 2040 by improving transportation options beyond single-occupant vehicles;
• Policy T-22. Shift mode share towards walking, biking, public transit, carpooling, ridesharing and carsharing in order to reduce the need for car ownership;
• Policy T-24. Implement the Bicycle Plan to make bicycling safe and comfortable throughout the city, and to increase bicycling mode share; and
WHEREAS, in 2021, staff conducted widespread and targeted community engagement to establish community priorities for the Bicycle Plan update; and
WHEREAS, in 2023, staff conduct...
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