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File #: RES 25-435    Version: 1
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Establishing the rate of pay for Water Maintenance Supervisor I, Grade 036, Employee Group 10. (To be laid over one week for adoption)
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Attachments: 1. Resolution-Financial Analysis WMS I
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Establishing the rate of pay for Water Maintenance Supervisor I, Grade 036, Employee Group 10. (To be laid over one week for adoption)


WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources/Talent and Equity Resources determined that a new classification of Water Maintenance Supervisor I be established; and


WHEREAS, the results of the Desk Audit instruct that the rate of pay for the new classification of Water Maintenance Supervisor I be established at the rate set forth in Grade 036 of Employee Group 10, Manual and Maintenance Supervisors; and now therefore, be it


RESOLVED, pursuant to City Charter Sections 6.03.3(5) and 12.01, that the rate of pay for the Water Maintenance Supervisor I be established at the rate set forth in Grade 036 of Employee Group 10, Manual and Maintenance Supervisors. This classification and rate of pay to become effective on the first full pay period following passage and approval of this resolution 




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