Appeal of Donald and Barbara Orr to a Correction Notice at 1765 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST.
Date/Time of 1st LH: Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 11:00 a.m.
Purpose of Appeal: Family needs more time to work on their corrections. They are both visually disabled.
Date of Order(s) Under Appeal: May 23, 2018
Inspector/Key Staff: Stephan Suon
Legislative Hearing Staff Comments: NOTE, per inspector, this should be called as a condemnation if circumstances are not significantly improved. LHO asked for June 4 re-inspection, so information current at hearing. House Calls (Lauren Lightner) is reported to be involved.
AMENDED 8/1/18
WHEREAS, in the matter of the Appeal of Donald and Barbara Orr to a Correction Notice at 1765 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed the appeal and considered the testimony of City staff and the appellant;
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council grant two weeks to come into compliance with the freezer and dryer and grant an extension to September 5, 2018 for remaining items to come into compliance and to be referred back to July 10 Legislative hearing at which owners will provide a work plan to complete the items on the revised Correction Notice which will be sent by Inspector Suon; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter.