Authorizing the City to renew a lease agreement with Minnesota Life Insurance Company for the Saint Paul Police Department's use of office space in the 401 Robert Street building for a downtown police substation.
WHEREAS, in November, 2001 the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of the Saint Paul Police Department ("SPPD"), entered into a 10-year lease agreement ("Original Lease", No. PD/02) with Capitol City Property Management, Inc. ("CCPM") for SPPD's use of office space in the 401 Robert Street building (the "Premises") for a downtown police substation; and
WHEREAS, SPPD wishes to renew the Original Lease with Minnesota Life Insurance Company ("Landlord"), assignee of the Original Lease under a 2002 master lease with CCPM; and
WHEREAS, the attached First Amendment to Lease provides for a term of five (5) years, extending through October 31, 2017, and an annual base rent of $1.00; and
WHEREAS, the First Amendment to Lease also reserves Landlord's right to possibly relocate SPPD to another space within Landlord's 401 Robert Street building or its 400 Robert Street building; and
WHEREAS, other terms and conditions of the Original Lease remain in full force and effect, including indemnification by the City in the event of any damages or injuries caused by SPPD's use of the Premises; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said downtown police substation will have a legitimate public purpose in assisting the SPPD in efforts to keep the public safe, and in monitoring and preventing criminal activity in the downtown area; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the appropriate city officials to execute said attached First Amendment to Lease.
Financial Analysis
Financial analysis is not applicable.