Authorizing City officials to accept the gift of a demographic survey of immigrants and refugee populations residing in Saint Paul, from the New American Economy.
WHEREAS, the New American Economy is a bipartisan research and advocacy organization that conducts demographic research on immigrant and refugee populations for local governments and advocacy organizations; and
WHEREAS, the New American Economy offered to produce economic and demographic research for communities to support emergency response measure related to COVID-19; and.
WHEREAS, Saint Paul applied for the grant of demographic research from the New American Economy and was selected as one of twelve local governments to receive tailored research to inform culturally sensitive emergency response measures that ensure that all residents are included, regardless of immigration status; and
WHEREAS, the New American Economy estimates that the value of this data analysis and design for the report provided to Saint Paul is $1,400.00; and
WHEREAS, this data analysis report will be used to support strategic efforts for immigrant-inclusive initiatives, and
WHEREAS, we recognize that this data analysis will benefit the residents of the City of St. Paul, and
WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Attorney’s Office, wishes to confirm acceptance of the New American Economy’s data analysis pursuant to City Council Resolutions 20-599 and 20-600,
THEREFORE, be it resolved that the St. Paul City Council wishes to accept the data analysis and thanks the New American Economy for their generous donation.