Amending Council File RES 19-876 to delete the assessment for Replacement of Lead Water Service Line on Private Property during April to June 2017 at 925 Albemarle Street. (File No. 1704LDSRP, Assessment No. 174003)
WHEREAS, on October 14, 2017, the Saint Paul City adopted Council File RES PH 17-264, said Resolution being the Resolution of Assessment for Replacement of Lead Water Service Line on Private Properties as requested by the Property Owner during the time period of April to June 2017. (File No. 1704LDSRP, Assessment No. 174003); and
WHEREAS, the property at 925 Albemarle St, being described as: Weide's Addition and Rearrangment of "Paists outlots" St.Paul N 1/2 of Lot 1 Blk 1 with the property identification number 25-29-23-41-0026 was assessed an amount of $2280.00 ; and
WHEREAS, the St. Paul Regional Water Services recommends deleting the assessment because it was assessed to the wrong parcel, and will refund $231.44 to Mr. William Smith, which covers the amount certified to the 2018 Property Taxes. The Assessment Office will abate $203.90 from the 2019 Property Taxes, remove the remaining balance of $2,052.00 from Mr. Smith's parcel and assess to the correct Address of 876 Galtier, Parcel ID 25-29-23-41-0226; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Council File RES PH 17-264 is hereby amended to reflect this change.