Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1309A, Assessment No. 138521 at 910 COTTAGE AVENUE EAST.
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $160.00
Service Charge: $160.00
Total Assessment: $320.00
Gold Card Returned by: LEROY HAYES
Type of Order/Fee: SNOW ICE
Date of Orders: 3/5/13
Compliance Date: 48 HOURS AFTER POSTMARK
Re-Check Date:3/8/13
Date Work Done: 3/20/13
Work Order #: 13-161599
Returned Mail?: NO
History of Orders on Property:
12/08/2011 : 12/08/2011 Snow Walk Complaint Received.
05/09/2012 : 05/09/2012 Tall Grass WO created: PA 12-054450
Cut all Tall Grass and weeds on the property
05/15/2012 : 05/15/2012 Garbage Rubbish WO created: PA 12-056513
Remove sand from public side walk.
06/13/2012 : 06/13/2012 Tall Grass WO created: PA 12-068208
Cut all Tall Grass and weeds on the property
06/15/2012 : PA EC Printed: 06/15/2012
07/10/2012 : 07/10/2012 Tall Grass WO created: PA 12-078989
Cut all Tall Grass and weeds on the property
08/14/2012 : 08/14/2012 Tall Grass WO created: PA 12-093347
Cut all Tall Grass and weeds on the property
12/12/2012 : 12/12/2012 Snow Walk Complaint Received.
12/17/2012 : 12/17/2012 Snow Ice WO created: PA 12-220959
Remove snow and ice from public sidewalk full width, salt and sand as needed.
02/14/2013 : OFS Payment on 02-14-13
02/19/2013 : 02/19/2013 Snow Ice WO created: PA 13-154651
Remove snow and ice from public sidewalk full width, salt and sand as needed.
03/09/2013 : 03/09/2013 Snow Ice WO created: PA 13-161599
Remove snow and ice from public sidewalk full width, salt and sand as needed.
05/16/2013 : OFS Payment on 05-16-13
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Property Clean Up services during March 4 to 27, 2013. (File No. J1309A, Assessment No. 138521)...
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