Approving the Mayor's appointment of Brad Teslow, Ocean C. Poet, Anna Hover, and Frances Lane to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities.
WHEREAS, on May 29, 1975, in CF 265523, the City created a Mayor's Advisory Committee ("Committee") made up of fourteen (14) members, seven (7) of which are to be persons with disabilities; and
WHEREAS, on March 2, 1976, in CF 2666861, the City determined the Committee would be a permanent Committee, which later came to be known as the Mayor's Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities; and
WHEREAS, Brad Teslow, Ocean C. Poet, Anna Hover, and Frances Lane have applied for appointment to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities and were interviewed by staff and current board members; and
WHEREAS, Mayor Carter wishes to appoint Brad Teslow, Ocean C. Poet, Anna Hover, and Frances Lane to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the appointment of Brad Teslow, Ocean C. Poet, Anna Hover, and Frances Lane to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities for a three-year term ending on December 31, 2028.