Accepting a gift of travel and lodging expenses from the National League of Cities for the Mayor's Education Director Jane Eastwood to attend the Education Policy Advisors' Network and Post-Secondary Advisors' Network Conference in Denver, Colorado from June 28 - July 1, 2011.
WHEREAS, the Education Policy Advisors Network and Post-Secondary Advisors Network of the National League of Cities has convened a conference and invited Mayor's office staff member, Jane Eastwood, to participate; and
WHEREAS, the EPAN/PSCAN networks will meet on June 28, 2011-July 1, 2011 in Denver, CO; and
WHEREAS, the National League of Cities has offered to pay for the flight, hotel and meal accommodations to enable Jane Eastwood to participate in the meeting; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that attendance at the meeting will fulfill a public purpose by giving the Mayor's staff the opportunity to meet with representatives of cities throughout the country and discuss strategies for encouraging innovation in education policy; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the City accepts the gift of airfare/ground transportation/baggage at a cost not to exceed $600, one dinner reimbursement not to exceed $35, as well as hotel accommodations for three nights not to exceed $652 and seven meals not to exceed $295(to be paid directly by NLC) for Jane Eastwood; and thanks the National League of Cities for their generous gift.