Approving an MPCA grant application for Climate Action and Resilience Plan update support.
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Climate Action and Resilience Plan states that to track our progress and keep up on the latest innovations, technologies, and best practices it will be essential for Saint Paul to update this Plan every five years; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), has allocated $2.3 million in funding to be awarded through the Local Climate Action Grant program to develop or implement plans of action that enable local jurisdictions to adapt to extreme weather events and a changing climate and/or to reduce the local jurisdiction’s contributions to the causes of climate change; and
WHEREAS eligible applicants include Minnesota political subdivisions (i.e., counties, home rule charter or statutory cities and towns, regional development commissions or any other local political subdivision; and Tribal governments as defined in Minnesota statute); and now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council expressly provides its support for the City of Saint Paul to submit a grant application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for $50,000 for the Saint Paul Climate Action and Resilience Plan update; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the City be awarded grant funds for this application, the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the appropriate City departments to enter into one or more grant agreement(s) with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.