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File #: RES 25-434    Version: 2
Type: Resolution Status: For Discussion
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Amending Appendix A-2 of the Administrative Code to establish the creation of the City Council Public Safety & Community Wellness Committee.
Sponsors: Anika Bowie
Attachments: 1. RES 24-1909, 2. NENO support letter
Amending Appendix A-2 of the Administrative Code to establish the creation of the City Council Public Safety & Community Wellness Committee.
WHEREAS, over half of the City of Saint Paul's budget is allocated to public safety, encompassing critical services such as policing, fire response, emergency medical services, and related programs, making it essential to have a dedicated body providing input on the largest portion of the city's budget; and

WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the importance of providing budgetary oversight and accountability to public safety departments, including the Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD), Saint Paul Fire Department (SPFD), City Attorney’s Office (CAO), and the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) to ensure the effective and transparent use of public resources; and

WHEREAS, the Public Safety & Community Wellness Committee shall engage with community organizations, stakeholders, and subject-matter experts for input on public safety matters, including reporting findings, recommendations, and budgetary proposals to the City Council.

WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges challenges such as high overtime spending, recruitment and retention issues, program transparency, and resource gaps in public safety services, including for homelessness, encampments, evictions, and chemical dependency; and

WHEREAS, the Public Safety & Community Wellness Committee will convene regularly to provide a structured process for evaluating the financial and program performance of public safety departments and will work with community organizations and subject-matter experts to improve service delivery; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby establishes the Public Safety & Community Wellness Committee to provide budgetary oversight of SPPD, SPFD, CAO, and DSI with a focus on transparent budgeting, program evaluation, policy development to improve public safety and wellness, and to build t...

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