Granting a variance to allow title transfer of 1156 LINCOLN AVENUE.
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File RLH RR 24-20, An Order to Remove the Property at 1156 Lincoln Avenue, as it constitutes a Nuisance Building under City Code; and
WHEREAS, the nuisance condition abatement at this property, by means of rehabilitating the structures or removing them, has been difficult to execute in the short-term due to: 1) ownership and title complexities, as this property is under the guardianship of Clark County, Nevada; 2) interior fire damage and hoarded conditions; 3) repeated break-ins resulting in ongoing building management issues; 3) location of property within an historic preservation district, requiring the city to undertake a environmental review prior to demolition if Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds were to be used; and 4) the prohibition of transferring title for a residential property with an Order to Remove or Repair which remains unabated; and
WHEREAS, the purchaser of this property is ready to move forward with demolition and rebuild plans for this site with work commencing on the new structure(s) immediately after the current building(s) removal; and
WHEREAS, closing on the building prior to completion of nuisance abatement has been especially difficult given the responsibilities of the seller as a legal guardian and the concerns of the buyer over the significant outlay of funds for immediate re-build on the site following demolition; and
WHEREAS, theLegislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council waive the requirement that the nuisance condition of this property be abated prior to transfer (Saint Paul Legislative Code 33.03(f)(6)) in order that this process may occur expeditiously, noting a condition of this waiver is the demolition of the structure within 45 days; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendati...
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