Approving adverse action against the Peddler license held by Deanna R. Monroe.
WHEREAS, the Peddler license held by Deanna R. Monroe d/b/a Deanna R. Monroe (License ID #20120004017) for the City of Saint Paul, was the subject of a Notice of Intent to Revoke License dated August 15, 2013, stating the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) received a notice from the Minnesota Department of Revenue on July 17, 2013, indicating the licensee had an overdue tax liability in violation of Minn. Stat. ยง 270C.72, subd. 1; and
WHEREAS, per the Department of Revenue's memo, DSI is required by state law to revoke the licenses until the licensee's overdue tax liability is resolved and they receive a Clearance Certificate from the Department of Revenue; and
WHEREAS, the licensee did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Revoke License to request a public or administrative hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Safety and Inspections has not received a Clearance Certificate from the Department of Revenue indicating the licensee has resolved her overdue tax liability; and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to Revoke License stated that if the licensee failed to resolve her overdue tax liability or request a hearing by August 26, 2013, that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose the recommended penalty; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Peddler license held by Deanna R. Monroe d/b/a Deanna R. Monroe is hereby revoked.