Authorizing the Police Department to accept and amend the 2022 Special Fund Budget for the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs, submitted for the 2022 American Rescue Plan Act Innovation in Community Safety Program (ARPIC) grant.
Whereas, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department (SPPD) has been awarded a 2022 American Rescue Plan Act Innovation in Community Safety Program (ARPIC) grant by the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Services, Office of Justice Programs, in the amount of $144,678 for a term of July 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023; and
WHEREAS, this grant will be used to help cover costs of the SPPD’s Community Outreach and Stabilization (COAST) Unit, which pairs specially-trained SPPD officers with specialists in chemical dependency and mental health, providing a broader range of options for law enforcement as they encounter people struggling with these challenges; and
WHEREAS, the 2022 financing and spending plans need to be amended and activity budget added for these funds; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget, funds of $144,678 in the Special Fund; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor that $144,678 is available for appropriation in the Police Department Special Fund, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the particulars as specified in the attached financial analysis.