Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to accept a donation of up to $2,700 from the National League of Cities.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been developing a Climate Action and Resilience Plan that identifies threats and vulnerabilities that a warmer and wetter climate is causing in Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, lower-income communities, communities of color, the young and the old, and certain neighborhoods in Saint Paul are known to be at greater risk from the impacts of climate change such as extreme heat events, heavy precipitation events and storms, worse air quality events, and flooding, as well as the urban heat island effect; and
WHEREAS, the National League of Cities is hosting a Resilient Cities Summit in Washington D.C. September 16-17, 2019, in order to bring city leaders together to learn from each other and subject matter experts about emerging best practices in preparing cities for the coming challenges being wrought by climate change; and
WHEREAS, the National League of Cities has generously offered to cover the travel, meals, and lodging expenses, up to $2,700, for Saint Paul City Councilmember Mitra Jalali Nelson and Chief Resilience Officer Russ Stark to attend the Resilience Cities Summit representing Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that this generous donation will serve an important public purpose for the City of Saint Paul and its residents;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby authorizes the City of Saint Paul to accept the generous donation of up to $2,700 from the National League of Cities to cover travel, meals and lodging expenses for Councilmember Mitra Jalali Nelson and Chief Resilience Officer Russ Stark to attend the Summit representing the City of Saint Paul.