Honoring Carol Robertson on her 105th birthday and thanking her for decades of service to the community and the City of Saint Paul.
WHEREAS Carol Robertson has long been an active supporter of women’s rights, including serving as a board member of Family Tree, a volunteer with the League of Women Voters, and in the 1960s, as a volunteer, then board member, then director of the Saint Paul Chapter of Planned Parenthood; and
WHEREAS Carol has continued to volunteer her time fundraising for Planned Parenthood and continues to share her passion for women’s rights and the ERA at rallies at the Union Depot and State Capitol; and
WHEREAS Carol has been a dedicated volunteer, giving her time teaching English to Somali families, serving as a probation officer at the Bremer House for boys, serving on the board of the Children’s Service, and serving as a docent for the M Museum at its many locations over the years in Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS Carol has been an activist for many years and spent her 90th birthday at the March on Washington with 1.1 million others; and
WHEREAS Carol has been a downtown resident since 1990, and a dedicated member of the Airye Condo community, actively participating in the association and working tirelessly to make the community better for everyone; and
WHEREAS Carol celebrated her 105th Birthday on April 25, 2020; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul honors Carol Robertson for her life of service and gratefully thanks her for the many ways she has made our city richer and more just.