Approving Mayor Carter’s appointment of Stephanie McCauley and Karen Francois to the Civil Service Commission.
WHEREAS, Section 12.02 of the Saint Paul City Charter states that there shall be a Civil Service Commission consisting of three (3) members and two (3) alternates appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Saint Paul City Council and the Board of Education of Independent School District Number 625; and
WHEREAS, there are currently two vacant seats on the Civil Service Commission; and
WHEREAS, Stephanie McCauley and Karen Francois have applied for appointment to the Civil Service Commission; and
WHEREAS, Mayor Carter, on the recommendation of staff, wishes to appoint Stephanie McCauley and Karen Francois as members of the Civil Service Commission to six-year terms ending February 01, 2027; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the appointment of Stephanie McCauley and Karen Francois to the Civil Service Commission for a term ending February 01, 2027.