Authorizing certain activities to support a cooperative relationship between the Saint Paul Public Library and The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library
WHEREAS, since 1945, The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library (The Friends), has existed to raise funds to support the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) collections, programs, services, facilities and staff professional development; and
WHEREAS, The Friends and SPPL are seeking authorization for the following activities:
1. The Friends to accept donations on behalf of the SPPL.
2. The Friends to solicit funds that directly benefit SPPL collections, programs, services, facilities, and staff professional development.
3. The Friends to actively manage long-term investment funds that directly benefit SPPL collections, programs, services, facilities, and staff professional development.
4. The Friends to sell SPPL-branded merchandise.
5. The Friends to solicit in-kind or discounted rates for real property or services with proceeds to benefit SPPL collections, programs, services, facilities and staff professional development.
6. The Friends and SPPL to coordinate resources to appropriately recognize funders and donations in accordance with mutually agreed upon parameters.
7. SPPL to promote events and activities by The Friends that benefit SPPL collections, programs, services, and facilities.
8. SPPL and The Friends to develop and conduct library programming.
9. SPPL and The Friends to develop and implement a capital campaign to attract public and private funding to support components of SPPL’s Transforming Libraries project; Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Library Board (Board) supports SPPL and The Friends cooperative relationship and authorizes them to enter into agreements...
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