Authorizing the Mayor's Office to apply for grants to support a Transit Oriented Development Manager.
WHEREAS, with completion of the Green Line light rail transit line, the City of Saint Paul is interested in promoting economic development along the line as well as along other transit corridors throughout the city; and
WHEREAS, the City's economic development partners have identified the need for a staff person whose sole responsibility will be to promote transit oriented economic development; and
WHEREAS, the partners have indicated that a Transit Oriented Development Manager would be most productively located at the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office, in consultation with the Department of Planning and Ecnoomic Development, has determined that there are not sufficient resources in the current or projected City budget to support such a position; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Mayor's Office to apply for grants totalling $225,0000 from The McKnight Foundation and the Central Corridor Funders Collaborative to support a position for two years; and be it finally
RESOLVED, that acceptance of any grants and a final budget, including any City budget authority, will require City Council approval.