Amending Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to timeframes for evaluation filing, creating a duty for an agent of a buyer to report missing TISH evaluations, and updating and eliminating redundant and outdated language.
Chapter 189 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Chapter 189. Truth-in-Sale of Housing
Sec. 189.01. Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
Adverse aAction. As defined by Chapter 310, generally defined as an action that can include: the revocation, cancellation or suspension of a license, denial of the renewal of a license, the imposition of conditions on a license, the imposition of a fine, and any other disciplinary or unfavorable action taken by the board or council Truth-in-Sale of Housing Board with respect to a license or lLicenseed Evaluator.
Alternatively Accepted City Inspection Report. A valid certificate of code compliance or the orders from a certificate of code compliance inspection as set forth in section 33.06 of this Legislative Code or a current Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Department of Safety and Inspections Fire Prevention Certificate of Occupancy Program.
Board, examining board, truth-in-sale of housing board ("board"). As used in this chapter, are equivalent terms that refer to the same body.
The dDirector. The head of the department of safety and inspections Director of the Department of Safety and Inspections and his or her designee.
Disclosure rReport. The written evaluation report prepared and signed by a person licensed as a Saint Paul Licensed Truth-in-Sale of Housing Evaluator, on a form in compliance with the provisions of section 189.05 of this chapter.
Dwelling. A building which is designed to be ...
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