Amending the previously ratified assessment to reduce the assessment for Collection of Vacant Building Registration fees billed during June 20, 2023 to April 22, 2024 at 705 MAGNOLIA AVENUE EAST. (File No. VB2502, Assessment No. 258801)
WHEREAS on January 22, 2025, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File RLH AR 24-86, said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessment for Collection of Vacant Building Registration fees billed during June 20, 2023 to April 22, 2024. (File No. VB2502, Assessment No. 258801)
WHEREAS, the property at 705 Magnolia Avenue East, being described as: Oak Ville Park Lot 11 Blk 22, with the property identification number 29-29-22-11-0164 was assessed an amount of $5077; and
WHEREAS, property owner, Kelly Vang, made a request to review the assessment as he felt the delay in getting his certificate of code compliance was with the inspectors; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer reviewed the submitted documents, including email chains and recommends reducing the assessment from $5,077 to $1,270; Now, Therefore Be It,
RESOLVED, that Council Files RLH AR 24-86 is hereby amended to reflect this change.