Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for $10,860 in funding through the Capitol Region Watershed District Stewardship Grant program to enhance a vegetative buffer and improve wildlife habitat within a CRWD easement on the golf course in Como Regional Park.
WHEREAS, the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD) has requested assistance to enhance a vegetative buffer and improve wildlife habitat within a CRWD easement on the golf course in Como Regional Park; and
WHEREAS, CRWD hired an environmental consulting firm to develop an ecological management brief to outline restoration tasks required to restore this buffer; and
WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul completed 2016 tasks with outside funding and is eligible to receive up to $10,860 in CRWD grant funds to cover the future costs of this enhancement project; and
WHEREAS, the grant contract may require indemnification of the CRWD by the City; and
WHEREAS, the project will reduce sedimentation of Lake Como and improve habitat for wildlife; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that accepting these grant funds has a public purpose in that it will allow Parks and Recreation to fulfill ecological principles of habitat restoration, therefore, be it;
RESOLVED, that the Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized to seek CRWD Stewardship Grant funding on behalf of the City and, if successful, the appropriate city officials may enter into an agreement with CRWD, which may include the promise of indemnification, to accept the funds on behalf of the City.