Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to submit an application for $96,000 in funding from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Conservation Partners Legacy grant program, requiring a ten percent in-kind match, to enhance and restore 23 acres of native woodland habitat at Swede Hollow Park.
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Lessard-Sams Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) grant program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is eligible to receive grant funds through the CPL program; and
WHEREAS, it is the intention of Parks and Recreation to submit a $96,000 proposal to enhance 23 acres of forest habitat at Swede Hollow Park through invasive species removal and revegetation efforts; and
WHEREAS, this program requires a ten percent match of non-state funds, all matching funds will be in the form of in-kind staff and community volunteer labor; and
WHEREAS, project work will occur within unique restoration opportunities identified within site-specific management plans; and
WHEREAS, the project will increase connectedness of high-quality forests, reduce sedimentation of impaired waterbodies, and improve habitat for wildlife; and
RESOLVED, that designated Parks and Recreation staff are hereby authorized to seek Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lessard-Sams Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) grant program funding on behalf of the City.