Authorizing the Fire Department to accept a donation of 15 video laryngoscopes with a total value of $94,230 from Regions Hospital.
WHEREAS, Regions Hospital has offered to donate 15 video laryngoscopes with a total value of $94,230 to the Fire Department, and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department would like to accept this donation from Regions Hospital, and
WHEREAS, Regions Hospital EMS recognizes the importance of using endotracheal intubation (ETI) and rapid sequence intubation (RSI) in cases that include but are not limited to, severe trauma. It is understood that there are significant benefits for patients who receive timely pre-hospital care using the best equipment available. The Fire Department currently provides these ETI and RSI advanced airway procedures in the pre-hospital setting but without the use of video laryngoscopy assistance, and
WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to receive 15 video laryngoscopes to provide "state of the art" enhanced airway management for patients requiring such treatment in the performance of pre-hospital RSI, and
NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council, on behalf of the residents of Saint Paul, accept this donation of 15 video laryngoscopes from Regions Hospital and extend their sincere appreciation to this organization.