Amending Council File RLH AR 15-19 to delete the assessment for Graffiti Removal services from November 1 to December 30, 2014 at 673 BIDWELL STREET. (File No. J1504P, Assessment No. 158403)
WHEREAS on May 6, 2015, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File No. RLH AR 15-19, said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessment for Graffiti Removal services from November 1 to December 30, 2014. (File No. J1504P, Assessment No. 158403) at 673 Bidwell Street; and
WHEREAS, the property at 673 Bidwell, being described as: Rudolph's Re-AR. of Block 13 Nelson Stevens and King's Add Lot 8 Blk 13, with the property identification number 07-28-22-42-0007 was assessed an amount of $195.46; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment as there is now a waiver on file; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the reduction of $195.46, plus any accrued interests, be deleted. Council File No. RLH AR 15-19 is hereby amended to reflect this change.