Approving the Mayor's appointment of Phillip Wahlberg to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board.
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 189.07 (a) states that the Truth-in-Sale of Housing Board for Licensed Evaluators shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, and shall consist of nine (9) members; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 189.07 (b) states that The Truth-in-Sale of Housing Board membership shall include the Director, and a representative from each of the following: the building trades, the legal profession, the financial community, the contracting business, the real estate business, the architectural or engineering profession, and two (2) citizen members representing the general public. No more than one board member may be a Licensed Evaluator; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 102.02 (b), Phillip Wahlberg has professional backgrounds that qualify him to represent the building trades, legal profession, financial community, and general public; and
WHEREAS, Phillip Wahlberg has applied for appointment to the Truth-in-Sale of Housing Board and is recommended by staff for appointment; and
WHEREAS, Mayor Carter wishes to appoint Phillip Wahlberg to the Truth-in-Sale of Housing Board for Licensed Evaluators to a three-year term ending on December 31, 2028; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the appointment of Phillip Wahlberg to the Truth-in-Sale of Housing Board for Licensed Evaluators to a three-year term ending on December 31, 2028.