Approving an agreement with MnDOT for maintenance of sidewalks along and adjacent to Trunk Highway 52.
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is proposing to reconstruct sidewalks and pedestrian ramps along local streets that fall within MnDOT right-of-way along and adjacent to Trunk Highway 52; and
WHEREAS, MnDOT has requested that the City enter into an agreement to perform certain maintenance activities on those sidewalks including, snow, ice, and debris removal, patching, crack repair, panel replacement, cross street pedestrian crosswalk markings, mowing grass boulevards, and other maintenance activities; and
WHEREAS, the limits of the sidewalks covered by the agreement are identified within the agreement; and
WHEREAS, this agreement contains an indemnification provision requiring the City to defend and indemnify the State for liability arising from the City’s own acts and omissions; and
WHEREAS, the State has agreed to be responsible for its own acts and omissions and the results thereof; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 1045326 with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the appropriate City employees and officials are authorized to execute the agreement and any amendments to the agreement.