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File #: RES PH 25-43    Version: 1
Type: Resolution-Public Hearing Status: Mayor's Office
In control: City Council
Final action: 3/12/2025
Title: Accepting grant funds, authorizing execution of two grant agreements (with indemnity obligations and other documents related thereto), and amending the operating budget with respect to the City’s sponsorship of a Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Contamination Cleanup Grant, and a Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account (TBRA) Contamination Cleanup Grant for Farwell on Water: District Connections and Venue at 42 Water Street West (District 3, Ward 2).
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Attachments: 1. Attachment A Farwell on Water 42 Water Street RES PH 25-43 Chia 2.20.25
Accepting grant funds, authorizing execution of two grant agreements (with indemnity obligations and other documents related thereto), and amending the operating budget with respect to the City’s sponsorship of a Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Contamination Cleanup Grant, and a Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account (TBRA) Contamination Cleanup Grant for Farwell on Water: District Connections and Venue at 42 Water Street West (District 3, Ward 2).
WHEREAS, in RES 24-1386 and RES 24-1387, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul resolved that the City may act as the legal sponsor on behalf of Farwell on Water: District Connections and Venue both DEED grant and Metropolitan Council TBRA grant applications and, thereby, authorized these applications to DEED and to the Metropolitan Council related to the Farwell on Water: District Connections and Venue redevelopment project located at 42 Water Street West (each an “Application” and, collectively, the “Applications”); and
WHEREAS, DEED accepted the Application and awarded the City a $354,839 contamination cleanup grant for the benefit of Farwell on Water: District Connections and Venue (the “DEED Grant Funds”); and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council accepted the Application and awarded the City a $364,200 Contamination Cleanup grant for the benefit of Farwell on Water: District Connects and Venue (the “Met Council Grant Funds”, and, collectively with the DEED Grant Funds, the “Grant Funds”); and
WHEREAS, the DEED and Metropolitan Council grant contracts (the “Grant Agreements”) require the City to indemnify DEED and the Metropolitan Council, respectively; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of $719,039 in excess of those estimated in the operating budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul:

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