Authorizing the City to renew a lease agreement with the Pointe of Saint Paul Condominium Association for the Police Department's use of interior and rooftop space for radio communication equipment.
WHEREAS, on September 18, 2009 the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of the Saint Paul Police Department ("SPPD"), entered into a five-year lease renewal agreement with the Pointe of Saint Paul Condominium Association (the "Association") for SPPD's continued use of interior space in the Association's building located at 78 10th Street East (the "Premises") for the operation of radio communication equipment to serve the SPPD; and
WHEREAS, the SPPD and Association renewed said lease for a five-year term beginning September 18, 2014 and an additional five-year term beginning September 18, 2019; and
WHEREAS, SPPD wishes again to renew said lease agreement ("Lease Renewal") with the Association; and
WHEREAS, the Lease Renewal, attached hereto as Exhibit A, provides for a term of five (5) years, extending through September 17, 2029, and a starting annual rent in 2025 of $26.250.00, with a 2.5% annual inflator; and
WHEREAS, the Lease Renewal requires the City to indemnify the Association in the event of any damages or injuries caused by SPPD's non-performance, damage to property or negligent use of the Premises; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that said radio communication equipment will serve a legitimate public purpose in assisting SPPD in its efforts to keep the public safe; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the appropriate city officials to execute said attached Lease Renewal.