Accepting the gift of airfare, lodging, ground transportation from the airport, and some meal expenses from the National Computer Forensics Institute (NCFI), for Yamy Vang, Assistant City Attorney, to attend the Computer Forensics for Prosecutors Course.
WHEREAS, Yamy Vang was selected to attend the Computer Forensics for Prosecutors Course in Hoover, Alabama on December 5-9, 2016; and
WHEREAS, THE National Computer Forensics Institute has offered to pay expenses for Yamy Vang to attend the course; and
WHEREAS, the city believes that having city staff attend the Computer Forensics for Prosecutors course will be beneficial by equipping Saint Paul with the ideas and tools to advance ideas and practices; be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby accepts the gift for the airfare, lodging, ground transportation and some meal expenses for the Computer Forensics for Prosecutors Course and thanks the National Computer Forensics Institute for its generous gift.