Approving adverse action against all licenses held by Jeffrey M. Richter, d/b/a Midwest Auto Connection at 33 Acker Street East.
WHEREAS, all licenses held by Jeffrey M. Richter d/b/a Midwest Auto Connection (License ID# 20140000895) for the premises located at 33 Acker Street East in Saint Paul were the subject of a Notice of Violation dated October 14, 2016, stating that on September 30, 2016, a DSI inspector observed and took photographs of one of the licensee’s tow trucks unloading a vehicle onto the street near the licensed premises in violation to license condition #7; and
WHEREAS, this is the second (2nd) violation to his license conditions within the past twelve (12) months, so per Saint Paul Legislative Codes § 310.05 (m) (1), the licensing office recommended a $1,000.00 matrix penalty; and
WHEREAS, the licensee responded to the Notice of Violation on October 20, 2016 with a phone call to request copies of the photographs taken that day; and
WHEREAS, the licensee failed to follow-up after the telephone conversation and receiving the photographs by either paying the $1,000.00 matrix penalty or requesting a public or administrative hearing; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Jeffrey M. Richter d/b/a Midwest Auto Connection is hereby ordered to pay a $1,000.00 matrix penalty a second (2nd) violation to his license conditions with twelve (12) months as documented by a DSI Inspector on September 30, 2016.
Payment of such penalty shall be made within thirty (30) days of the date of the adoption of this resolution.