Considering the appeal of Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC to the Planning Commission decisions for a proposed development on property at 1566 University Avenue West.
Zoning File: #24-022-766 (Appeal of Zoning File #24-013-570)
File Name: 1566 University Avenue West - Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC Appeal
Appellant: Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC
Applicant: Snelling-Midway Redevelopment, LLC
Address: 1566 University Avenue West - temporary address
Purpose: Appeal of the following Planning Commission decisions: 1) to deny variance #3, the purpose of which is to permit an entrance drive to occupy more than 60 feet of total lot frontage (60 feet maximum permitted, 322 feet requested, for a variance of 262 feet) (variance of Zoning Code Section 66.342(a)(2)); 2) to attach condition #5 to approval of variance #5, requiring additional openings be added to the west façade of the hotel building on floors 3 through 7 (variance of Zoning Code Sec. 63.110(b)); and 3) to attach condition #6 to the approval of variance #6 requiring a connection between the ground level retail space in the parking garage and the open green space to the west be provided to activate the open green space (variance of City Council Resolution RES 23-1442). Zoning Committee public hearing held on March 7, 2024 and Planning Commission decision made on March 15, 2024.
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
District Council Recommendations:
Union Park District Council did not take a position on the entrance drive variance (variance #3), noting that more information was needed about traffic management on event days at the stadium. They supported the variance for door and window openings on the west façade (variance #5) and opposed the variance for ground level door and window openings on the west façade (variance #6).
Hamline-Midway Coalition opposed the entrance drive variance (variance #3) and opposed the variance for ground level door and window openings on the west...
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