Suspending the Auto Repair Garage License held by Dukes Cars and Towing LLC d/b/a Dukes Car and Towing at 977 Front Avenue, for non-payment of the matrix penalty and costs imposed under RES PH 22-193. (to be withdrawn)
WHEREAS, the Auto Repair Garage held Dukes Cars and Towing d/b/a Dukes Car and Towing (“Licensee”) for the premises located at 977 Front Avenue in Saint Paul (“Licensed Premises”) were the subject of a public hearing before the St. Paul City Council (“Council”) on July 20, 2022 under RES PH 22-193, herein incorporated as Exhibit 1, and
WHEREAS, RES PH 22-193 found that the Licensee had violated his License conditions for a third time and imposed a $2000 fine for the violation; and
WHEREAS, RES PH 22-193 stated that the $2000 fine was to be paid within 30 days of the passage and approval of RES PH 22-193; and
WHEREAS, after consideration of all information in the record before them, Council adopted RES PH 22-193; and
WHEREAS, RES PH 22-193 was signed by the Mayor and became final on July 21, 2022; and
WHEREAS, under RES PH 22-193, the $2000 fine was due on August 26, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the Licensee has failed to pay the $2000 fine imposed on the License by RES PH 22-193; and
WHEREAS, suspension of the Auto Repair Garage License held by Dukes Cars and Towing LLC for the Licensed Premises is appropriate until the $2000 fine imposed on the License by RES PH 22-193 is paid; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the Auto Repair Garage held by Dukes Cars and Towing LLC for the Licensed premises are suspended until the $2000 fine imposed on the License by RES PH 22-193 is paid; and be it