Public hearing to consider the application of Frank and Mary O'Gorman to rezone the property at 550 Como Avenue from IT Transitional Industrial to B3 General Business.
Zoning File #: 14-345-787
File Name: Frank and Mary O'Gorman
Address: 550 Como Avenue, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 252923320144
Purpose: Rezoning from IT Transitional Industrial to B3 General Business
Staff Recommendation: Approval
District Council: District 6 recommended approval
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous
Support: 1 people spoke, 1 letters received
Opposition: 0 people spoke, 0 letters received
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, vote: unanimous
Staff Assigned: Josh Williams, 266-6659
Staff Report Packet
Zoning Committee Minutes
Site Plan