Appeal of Special Tax Assessment for 842 CLEAR AVENUE for Project #: J1104E, Assessment #: 1180202 in Ward 6
Legislative Hearing Officer Recommendation
Approve the assessment.
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $75.00
Service Charge: $20.00
Total Assessment: $95.00
Gold Card Returned by: Tom Rogge
Type of Order/Fee: Excessive Consumption
Nuisance: Garbage, rubbish and storage
Date of Orders: 09.14.10, 7.22.10, 05.20.10 & 03.04.10.
Compliance Date: n/a
Re-Check Date: n/a
Date Work Done: n/a
Invoice #: 868064
Returned Mail?: No
Comments: Also have $150.00 EC pending.
History of Orders on Property:
Legislative Hearing Notes 3/1/11
Approve the assessment.
Tom Rogge appeared.
Inspector Essling reported that this assessment for 842 Clear Avenue is an Excessive Consumption fee for a cost of $75 plus a $20 service charge for a total of $95. Orders were issued April 10, May 20, July 22 and September 14, 2010.
Mr. Rogge said that he went to court on this and everything was dropped, supposedly. No work was done by the City. Why are these charges so high? The last time he was here, he said that Ms. Moermond had told him that he could work on stuff for 72 hours - there has been nothing over 72 hours. This is harassment from Inspector Seeley. He wants to appear before the City Council.
Ms. Moermond noted that it is not in the prosecuter's jurisdiction to talk about the taxes; that would be court fines. This charge is for Excessive Consumption. There are four (4) founded allegations during this time period of which the maximum number is three (3). Once three (3) has been reached, the City will charge you for additional trips. This assessment has nothing to do with the 72 hour time period.
Mr. Rogge stated that it has been over three (3) years now that he has had to deal with the same complainants, who keep calling, and Ms. Seeley drives around the house and up the alley and writes up things with Ed Smith's...
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