Authorizing the Mayor and proper City officials to accept a grant in the amount of $320,000 from the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the Como Zoo.
WHEREAS, a grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $320,000 has been awarded to the City of Saint Paul for the operation and maintenance of the Como Zoo and Conservatory; and
WHEREAS, this grant spans the State's 2012 - 2013 biennium, beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2013, with partial payments made on a quarterly basis; and
WHEREAS, this appropriation is predicated on forecasted lottery revenues; and should said lottery revenues be received at a rate less than forecasted, the quarterly contribution will be reduced proportionately; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the grant agreement, the City must indemnify, save and hold the State harmless from any claims or causes of action arrising from the performance of this grant contract by the City or the City's agents or employees; and
WHEREAS, The City must maintain detailed information on the expenditure of grant funds, explaining and providing supporting documentation of Como Zoo and Conservatory operating costs when necessary, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements, containing an indemnification clause, as may be necessary to accept and implement this funding on behalf of the City.